

by Perla Semaan

Life is not defined by failure just like it’s not defined by success. Life is defined by our determination, drive, and perseverance. What really matters is that we try, despite the risk that we might fail, and despite the chance that we might succeed. It doesn’t really matter what the result is, as long as we keep on trying.
Because even if we do win, life does not end here, it doesn’t stop! Life is a constant battle, a never-ending adventure. You can never say I won, because even if you have, it doesn’t matter. It happened in the past, it’s gone! Today is another day, another chance to fight, and another opportunity to grasp. Be proud of the countless number of the times that you failed, for they only mean that you are trying. Embrace success as it comes, it is the pay of your hard work, but don’t cling to it. Drop it, let go of it, and move on. Move on to the next step, to the next challenge. Be fearless, confident, and courageous. Fear is just stupid! Don’t let it hold you back from becoming who you truly are, who you are supposed to be! And always remember, it doesn’t matter how weak you feel or how low you are on the ground, what really matters is that you keep on trying. It is the only way you are gonna rise back up, the only way you will become invincible. So whatever happens, never give up! Ever.
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