LI f E



by Perla Semaan

Lies are lies, they can’t be and shouldn’t be justified. But lies come in different kinds. Some are white and others are black; and the cruelest one of all is the lie that hurts, causes harm, and misleads others. The liar intends to deceive people and hurt their feelings. As for life, I think, just like the hurtful liar, is cruel. It is the biggest illusion of all time. This whole world is a bubble we are stuck in for lifetime. Some are aware of that bubble and try to escape it but they never find a way. And others don’t even realize it exists and that they are trapped in it. You might think that people who are unaware of that fact are the happiest, because what they don’t know can’t harm them. They have nothing to worry about except their daily earthly problems; they just want to make it through the day. But that’s just like being drunk and happy. They are not truly happy, but they think they are; they even believe it to be true. And then comes the people who are aware of the fact that this world is just a cruel big fat lie. They are the miserable ones, the numb; for no matter what they do and how free they get, they are still here, there’s no escape. They don’t want to get involved in an unwanted hideous routine and just breathe until it’s over; so they become artists. For art is the window of the prison-like life and the getaway of the trapped soul. Art is the refining and the purifying; the resurrection from the dead.



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